Vacuum Clamping with AirWeights

After setting up the appropriate gasket for your specific workpiece, you are ready to clamp your workpiece in place.

To clamp your material, place it over your gasket location, turn the vacuum pump on, and push firmly onto the top of the material, it can take a second or two for vacuum clamping force to build. 

Confirm vacuum holding force by referring to the pump gauge, which should read between -18 to -25 Hg when holding vacuum. You should also confirm the vacuum hold by giving the workpiece a nice firm push and pull, physically confirming that it's being held rigidly. 

With the material vacuum clamped into place, you can proceed to set your X/Y/Z Zero positions, and/or locate the corner of your workpiece. Take careful note of the Z height relative to the depth of cut in your program. Cutting too deep can risk cutting into your vacuum table. You can cut below the part if you are using tile gasket or a fixture plate.